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About US (Manifesto)

About US (Manifesto) 

What makes the Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah different than other Reiki & energy healers, and esoteric providers in Ohio? We believe these "gifts" were given to us by God to heal the sick and raise the collective conscience of society. 

About US
As a whole, we feel that society is still in the dark ages and is still hanging on to old beliefs. These old beliefs are causing conflict and rooting for hate (Ego). We know ego is more of an Eastern belief system, and we must agree they are correct with these teachings. We feel that Western society holds on to these outdated belief systems as if they are glorious. We know they are walking into the darkness and not following the true light of God. Check out this page: Exploring Alternative Views or Perspectives of Jesus: The Spiritual and Non-Orthodox View

We are not a religious origination. We don't intend to force our belief system on others. We fully understand that most of society will not believe in our teachings (because they are not ready). We are here to serve those who are ready to hear God's teachings. Learn more: Why does our society follow the blind false prophet?

We don't lecture you on what you should believe. We give you the tools to raise your vibration or consciences, where you can speak or receive messages from a higher power. We are not the true prophets; you are the prophet of God, and you need to experience the world to believe in the true word of God. Read more: Do “Abrahamic” Religions have Spiritual Teachings within the Torah, Bible & Quran?

We feel that religious origination is part of an outdated system. Even the bible states we should become more like Jesus (Yeshua), My question is why the religious originations seem to move us away from God and push us to have a limited belief (faith) and not to walk in the true light of God. Click here: Channeling The Ascended Master Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus)

We believe this is our mission on earth to bring people toward the light of God. 

We start simple with energy healing and then offer basic to advanced learning in the spiritual and esoteric teachings.  

In all of healing, we are channeling the light of God and directing it into your body, in which the light is healing you. 

Michael Wilson & Derek Bliedung

Reiki Master & Teacher


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