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Mastering The Secret: Practical Tips for Effective Practice

 How do I practice The Secret ? Mastering The Secret: Practical Tips for Effective Practice ( Due to the popularity of ‘The Secret’ Book and DVD, millions of people are trying to improve their lives by creating ideas that reflect the life they want and embrace happiness. But thinking alone will do little to satisfy your needs. But there are some very simple steps you can take to live the life you desire in everyday life. Practice Gratitude One of the most important things about using the Law of Attraction is to be grateful for what you have focused on. Thank the higher power you believe in for your health, well-being, support system, and everything else that keeps you going. Write down things you are grateful for. Something that gets you through the day, something that brings you peace or joy, something you expressed in the past but now have. This reminds the world what you want and what you did to get it. It's an opportunity to reexamine feelings of joy in everything

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