Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah Prices & Services (Updated 2024)
Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah Prices & Services

Call for an appointment 614-282-3162 & 614-268-2235 Click here for online booking!
Viesearch - The Human-curated Search EngineIn-home service: We will come to your place of business or home in Metropolitan Columbus, Springfield, and Dayton, Ohio.
Reiki Columbus
Reiki Springfield
Reiki Dayton
Introduction of the “Duo Healing” 2 Reiki Masters healing at the same time and at half the time
The Reiki Kabbalah Center is offering Duo Healing in 30, 45, and 60-minute sessions. Each is half the time with two healers. For instance, a client that wants a 60-minute Duo Healing session will get a 30-minute session with two Reiki masters. The Reiki Kabbalah Center also offers a unique service that involves their Reiki masters coming to your business or home to give you a Reiki healing with an additional $8.00 charge, in Columbus, Springfield, or Dayton Ohio, and surrounding areas.
30 minutes / $58
45 minutes / $68
60 minutes / $78
clients need most of the energy in their heads and feet since they are under a great deal of stress and/or thinking a lot at work. They tend to be working many hours on their feet. This is the perfect healing for a deeper state of relaxation and calmness to bring inner peace.
Reiki It is the best for managing stress-related issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Since it places one into a deep meditative state. Reiki is also effective in the area of pain management since it helps improve the flow of energy and get rid of emotional issues, and simply the body holds less tension.
30 minutes / $48
45 minutes / $48
60 minutes / $68
Quantum-Touch energy healing: one of the most powerful energy healings (compared to Reiki which is softer and gentler energy).
Great for relieving the pain either physical or emotional. I am also a Reiki master, but my instructor always refers to me as the "Quantum-Touch guy" since I am the best, she has seen in 20 years of practice.
It is the best we have for pain management (back or spine issues, and joints). Quantum-Touch will aid in the alignment of body parts (physical & energy alignment) that are out of alignment and place the body back in perfect alignment. Not with force or pressure, but simply with energy. It opens open the blockages of the body and restores the normal flow of energy. This normal flow of energy will prevent illness and restore the body back to perfect energetic alignment.
30 minutes / $58
45 minutes / $68
60 minutes / $78
You can make an appointment by email or call us at 614-282-3162 or chat with us on WhatsApp. Click here for online booking
Kabbalah: a very old and ancient practice and the most mystical of any of the hearings. For Kabbalah to be done, a ritual must be prepared for it. The practitioner and client are not just channeling energy; they are calling on God and Angels to assist the healer in the healing process. A portal will be opened up to the spiritual universe and the practitioner invites only the being of light into the Kabbalah circle. There will be burning candles, the lighting of incense, the use of symbols, and speaking in the language of Adam and Eve (Enoch language or the language of the Angels).
Reiki Kabbalah: A complication
of many energies and healing elements.
Use of words and symbols from both Eastern and Western sources. It can be used in or out of the Kabbalah circle. What makes this so special? When I combined 3 words (mantra) that are commonly used for meditation together something magical happens. I start to vibrate meaning, raising vibration frequency. When I used this on clients, they too have raised vibration frequency and are physically vibrating.
I have worked for many years in a call center environment for many years and customers can be very difficult to deal with at times. It is hard to keep your mental sanity at times. Reiki Kabbalah personally has been a game changer. I have maintained better anger control, faster mental recovery from a hard call, and improved energy levels. And just bring more positive and better overall well-being,
30 minutes / $48
45 minutes / $58
60 minutes / $68
Reiki Kabbalah includes this other form of healing.
Reiki is a gentle energy that is very soft and relaxing healing. Many clients need most of the energy in their heads and feet since they are under a great deal of stress and/or thinking a lot at work. They tend to be working many hours on their feet. This is the perfect healing for a deeper state of relaxation and calmness to bring inner peace.
Reiki is the best for managing stress-related issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Since it places one into a deep meditative state. Reiki is also effective in the area of pain management since it helps improve the flow of energy and get rid of emotional issues, and simply the body holds less tension.
Quantum-Touch energy healing: One of the most powerful energy healings (compared to Reiki which is softer and gentler energy). Great for relieving the pain either physical or emotional. I am also a Reiki master, but my instructor always refers to me as the "Quantum-Touch guy" In sincerity I am the best she has seen in 20 years of practice.
Advanced Quantum-Touch Techniques: Add additional healing techniques to make the healing more powerful compared to Quantum-Touch Techniques, and also make it last longer.
White Light Is light from the universe. Instead of energy being channeled it is a White Light. White Light is channeled through the crown chakra and then goes through the higher chakras: third eye, throat until it gets to the heart chakra. The healer will send it to the clients through their hands or directly from their own heart chakra. It is often called the "universe's love" or "God's love."
Power Reiki was developed by one of my spiritual teachers from a vision from God on a trip back from a Quantum-Touch training class. The reason it has been called Power Reiki it can achieve the same results in one session whereas traditional Reiki would need to have taken six sessions. It is a golden egg being inserted into all of the 7 chakra points.
To find out more information about Reiki
Kabbalah energy healing click here
Spiritual Development - Psychic Development - Kabbalah Training - Reiki classes (Level I, II, III) - Law of Attraction - The Secret - Classes near me - Reiki training
To start what is the difference between Spiritual Development vs Psychic Development?
You are only a psychic you have the gift of speaking to spirits or telling the person past, future, or current situation. But often people have the gift but also have the ego of man. "Ego is the mark of the beast" according to the channeling of Yeshua or Y'shua (Jesus). As spiritualists, we try to bring people to the light. Closer to the light less ego (you have a nice side effect). Our personal and professional goal is to teach you the white arts and bring you closer to the light. "We don't teach religion" we are open to all forms of beliefs. We feel that we all come from the same place spiritually. Who I'm to tell you is wrong?
What does Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah do?
We teach you to connect to the light and the light will guide you to the correct path or gospel. We don't support organized religions. We feel organized religions don't know what they are talking about! "The blind lead the blind and let the dead bury the dead" - The Holly Bible. In our option to have a true understanding of the word of God, you have to personally experience the true teaching firsthand. By opening the vale between our reality and the spiritual reality this is how you gain that experience.
I know the "Church Lady" will not approve of us. We don't approve of their teaching either.
We feel that is God, angels, saints, ascended masters, and spiritual guides that guide us. Not man-made religions. This is what we call "Spiritual Development". We are trying to coach our students to be able to connect to spirit. There are many steps to do this. We have developed a system called the 3 Pillars of the Light. It is one on one coaching or can be done in small classes.
3 Pillars of the Light - Class Summary
Enlightenment Training (Psychic and Spiritual Development)
Have you ever thought there is more to life than this?
Have you ever had saw, heard, or felt something you could not explain?
Do you feel lacking in your religious life? Just know there is something more out there?
Have you had a flash or image or just a gut feeling that something will happen, and it did?
It might be time to enroll in our program where we take beginners and transform them into masters of the spiritual universe. In our 20-session program. Find out more.
Spiritual & Metaphysical Meditations basic overview Season - 1
The law of Attraction - The secret Season - 2
Overview of crystals Season - 3
- Basics of Energy Healing
Overview of Quantum-Touch (not the complete class)
Season - 4
Overview of Reiki (not the complete class) Season - 5
Reiki Kabbalah Level 1 training Season - 6
Psychic Development - Season 7 to 11
- Kabbalah Level 1
Intro to setting up a Kabbalah alters - Season - 12
Basic Kabbalah ritual - Seasons - 13 & 14
Mind or Mental Magic (Spiritual & Metaphysical Meditations advanced) - Season - 15
Kabbalah Level 2
Advanced Basic Kabbalah ritual "How to make your own ritual" - Season - 16 & 17
Overview of Astrology & kabbalah symbols Season - 18, 19, & 20
Price is $2,000 for 20 seasons of "one on one coaching" (can be paid in 6 installments).
"Community class small" is $950 for up to 3 students for 20 seasons. (Can be paid in 5 installments)
"Community class medium" is $750 for up to 6 students for 20 seasons. (Can be paid in 4 installments)
FAQ - Central Ohio Reiki & Kabbalah Prices & Services
Reiki, Quantum-Touch, and Spiritual Development
1. How much does Reiki Cost?
- Reiki Healing Sessions:
- 30 minutes / $27
- 45 minutes / $37
- 60 minutes / $47
2. What is Quantum-Touch and its cost?
- Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Sessions:
- 30 minutes / $37
- 45 minutes / $47
- 60 minutes / $57
3. Tell me about the Duo Healing sessions.
- Duo Healing (Two Reiki Masters):
- 30 minutes / $35
- 45 minutes / $45
- 60 minutes / $55
4. What is Reiki Kabbalah and its pricing?
- Kabbalah:
- 60 minutes / $100
5. How does "Due Reiki Healing" work?
- Due Reiki Healing combines various energy modalities:
- 30 minutes / $27
- 45 minutes / $37
- 60 minutes / $47
6. How much does the Spiritual Development Program cost?
- One-on-One Coaching (20 Sessions):
- $2,000 (can be paid in 6 installments)
7. Are there group classes available?
- Community Class Options:
- Small (Up to 3 students): $950 (Can be paid in 5 installments)
- Medium (Up to 6 students): $750 (Can be paid in 4 installments)
8. What is included in the Reiki Kabbalah session?
- Reiki Kabbalah combines Reiki, White Light, Quantum-Touch, and more:
- 60 minutes / $47
9. How can I book an appointment?
- Call for an appointment at 614-282-3162 or 614-268-2235. Online booking is also available.
10. Do you provide in-home services?
- Yes, in-home services are available in Metropolitan Columbus, Springfield, and Dayton, Ohio.Contact Information:
- Reiki Master Derek P. Bliedung (Springfield & Dayton): 614-282-3162
- Reiki Master Michael L. Wilson (Columbus): 614-268-2235
- Online Booking: Click here
Disclaimer: Prices and services are subject to change. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information.

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